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About Learning Communities 2016-12-16T16:58:21+00:00

About Learning Communities

The CETI will provide a supportive framework in which staff can develop their pedagogic awareness and skills, through sharing challenges and successes, having space to innovate and take risks, and to evaluate new practices. Key to this will be facilitating communication and collaboration between different departments and faculties, peer observation and mentoring, and the Westminster Learning Communities.

Westminster Learning Communities are based on the twin concepts of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and Communities of Practice. The University has established Westminster Learning Communities as a vibrant and dynamic means to foster innovation in learning and teaching using a bottom-up, collaborative, reflective and scholarly approach. They will facilitate exchange, critical reflection, scholarship and pedagogic research and will provide opportunities for enhancing and sharing practice, exchanging resources, expertise and experience and for developing and promoting new ideas and innovation.

The CETI encourages Westminster Learning Communities to be inclusive, with participation not only from academic staff, but also from colleagues in Professional Services, from students, and from external individuals such as employers or teachers in schools.

Whether you already have an agreed topic and members for your community, or you are seeking inspiration or partners to collaborate with, these pages will provide you with the information and tools you’ll need to establish your Westminster Learning Community.

All communities will need to be registered  with CETI to facilitate sharing and provide an overview of pedagogic research and development activity around the University, and all registered communities will have a dedicated online space on the Westminster Learning Communities page to aid collaboration and communication. Communities can also apply to CETI for funding. See the starting a community page for more information.

The Marketplace is also available as a forum for you to propose and discuss developing ideas for a community or seek colleagues to work with. From time to time, the CETI will post notices on the Marketplace inviting interest in exploring a particular theme of University-wide interest.

The Westminster Learning Communities Guidance provides further information about the principles of Westminster Learning Communities, and the expectations for how they will operate. All communities are strongly encouraged to read this guidance before they proceed with their application.

What’s in it for me?

Why should I join a Learning Community?


Explore the ideas emerging for Learning Communities in the Marketplace. Participate in the discussions and put forward your own suggestions for communities.


Find out more about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Communities of Practice

Find out more about the concept of Communities of Practice

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